Costa Rica here we come!

The program and research itinerary are scheduled. The flight tickets have been purchased. The medical forms and travel consent forms are filtering into my classroom. The reality of our adventure is emerging but it’s still five months away!

This coming summer a group of students and I will travel to Costa Rica to participate in the Ecology Project International  (EPI) research program to study the nesting sites of leatherback turtles.

People often question my choice to spend two weeks of precious summer time to volunteer chaperoning students 24/7. I’ll admit, it’s not a vacation and it’s exhausting. However, I am given a front row seat to a rite of passage in which teenagers experience a once in a lifetime opportunity of rare contact with the wild. The students are offered new and unique perspectives to their relationship with the earth.  As they face issues involving their life-style choices and the future of our world, these students will self-reflect and discover their opinions and where they stand. And what a gift to be part of that!

Of the students still at my school who joined me on the South Africa trip last year, we share a special bond. For those who continue to study with me in the classroom, we enjoy repeated references and curriculum connections to our research experiences from the summer. Daily the exclamation arises, “We learned about this in South Africa!” What a joy to witness the assimilation of authentic science and legitimate issues that link to greater learning later.

Of course, with my students I will also have great pleasure in our participation in research in the Costa Rican wild. So, being in a beautiful area while fostering real education that results in maturation of youth is a perfect way to start my summer holiday. Yes, there is great anticipation for this June adventure!

Now wait, why do I teach Biology?

The morning rain pelts my nose and cheeks. The wind whips my face and presses against my entire body, often slowing my pace. My saddlebags are heavy laden with my computer, paperwork and the fish tank and it’s contents. Yes, the fish tank. I am a bit unsteady as the wind picks up even more and throws me off balance. Mr. “T” is jostled and the water sloshes at the sides of the plastic container hanging from my handlebars. Yes, the turtle is with me on my bike.

Mr "T" all ready to go!

During the Thanksgiving break I had left Mr. “T” at the school for four days. Upon my return he was face down in the bottom of the tank. I thought for sure he had expired. That entire week he didn’t eat and he hardly moved in the tank. I missed his eager spastic motions when I entered the classroom. It worried me and I thought his days were numbered. But then his personality returned and I determined I would never leave him alone for more than a weekend again.  So, he spent the Christmas break in my house and I needed to transport him back to school this morning.

But as I press against the wind and rain, “Why Biology?” I wonder.  I think of my colleagues that arrive with their backpacks and computer bags and the simplicity of their entrance into the school. Not me. No. I have to heave the fish tank out of my saddlebag and coordinate my rain gear, computer bag, spare shoes, lunch bag and the turtle. Thankfully a couple of my colleagues are there and grab a few of my items. I haul that fish tank and turtle upstairs and get Mr. “T” all settled in. I tend to my fish and the plants in the room. Again, “Why Biology?” None of the other teachers are worried about classroom pets and a room full of plants. However, everyone that enters my classroom to wish me a Happy New Year is equally interested in Mr. “T” and they all greet him as well.

My first class is a new group of students taking their choice of Science this semester in preparation for the Group IV IB selections. We are starting with plant nutrition. They are guided down a path to prepare them to study the structure of a leaf and understand how that structure is adapted for photosynthesis. The lesson culminates with them looking at a leaf impression under the microscope. I’m waiting with bated breath, waiting for the first student to spot the stomata and exclaim how cool it is. Waiting. Waiting. Trying hard not to give away the thrill. Then it happens. A quiet young man spies the elusive structures through the optic lens. “I see them!” He pauses and then looks up at me and exclaims, “That is actually really cool!”

And I burst with excitement, “It IS really cool, isn’t it?” Some of the other students chuckle and I realize my exuberance is a bit excessive but I can’t help myself because Biology is just so amazing. Thankfully the excitement eventually trickles throughout the classroom as each team spies the stomata and identifies the guard cells. We revel together in the wonder of the plant world. It’s so fun!

And then I am reminded that this is why I teach Biology.  And my wet and bedraggled arrival at the school with my turtle was totally worth it!

Graceless Green

The intermingling aromas of French fries and spring rolls from the cafeteria diffuse throughout my room. Stacked boxes await attention. Bites of lunch are snatched in between refolding boxes, sealing edges, digging through recycled paper bins for colored paper, and labeling the assembled bins.  Joyous chatter permeates the classroom. And soon a stack of boxes labeled for recycling plastic, paper, and markers has reached the ceiling of my classroom.

With glee the students began an orderly distribution of their bins throughout the school.  With five minutes to spare, exuberant students retrieve their backpacks and shuffle off to class expressing satisfaction with their accomplishment.

At first my heart is filled with skepticism for our inelegant approach. Would we create a shabby image for our school with cardboard boxes scattered throughout?  However, as I amble through the hallways noting their work I realize that their approach is, indeed, truly in the spirit of “Going Green”. The bins are 100% recycled! And they don’t look so bad. Suddenly my heart is brimming with pride for my little Going Green Group and their enthusiastic efforts for change.

We have all disbursed for the holidays but as New Year’s resolutions abound, perhaps you’ll consider taking a step towards a “greener” New Year?!? 

P.S. I had pictures but I've lost them! I'll take some more and add them later, once we've returned to school...

Overcoming the Gross Factor


“Do we have to touch it?”

“Do we get gloves?”


The mounds of pink flesh silently wait as the students conquer the “gross factor” in preparing to approach the lab benches. Admittedly, the subtle stench of death doesn’t help.

Some students are loud and adamant about the disgusting task in front of them while others silently observe in quiet dread.

We read through the procedure and then the pairs are assigned. Students reluctantly line up to receive an organ. My handling of the hearts without gloves awes them. These hearts came straight from the slaughterhouse and there is nothing to fear.

One of the loudest opponents snaps on the latex gloves and, with attitude, approaches the heart, assuring me this is the grossest thing she will ever do in her life. However, as she wraps her gloved hands around that pig heart a transformation takes place. With sudden tenderness she exclaims, “Oh, it’s soft” followed by, “…this is actually cool” and before she knows it she is completely immersed in a pig heart dissection, her nose nearly touching the raw flesh that moments earlier had repulsed her.  Eagerly she identifies the vena cava and pokes her finger through the opening explaining how the deoxygenated blood enters the heart at this point. She easily follows the flow of the blood through the heart,  her hands becoming more and more familiar with the organ. At the end of the lab she claims, “I think I want to be a heart surgeon”. And from that day forth she becomes a serious student of science evolving from a laissez-faire B/C student to a straight A engaged, conscientious pupil. The metamorphosis is both dramatic and inspiring.

Recently, my IB students did a similar lab. This time the hearts came from the local butcher but these students also had the moment of “overcoming the gross factor”. However, they quickly immersed themselves in the dissection. Carefully they drew and labeled diagrams of their observations really trying to understand the function of the heart as they proceeded. Following the lab each one remarked how helpful that was and how clear their understanding had become.

Why do I bother tromping around trying to find pig hearts for my students? Why do I encourage them to touch the heart, get dirty, and “go for it”? Because I know there’s value in seeing and handling the real thing. Students become excited, they learn, they gain deeper appreciation for their own amazing body and all its functions. In stepping out of their comfort zone they discover that they can tolerate more “gross” than they originally anticipated, new interests are unearthed, and they receive a deep satisfaction in learning.

It’s always worth the effort to provide hands-on learning, even for IB students. Also, lets follow the example of our students and take on something new to learn! We might discover hidden talents and new passions. So, go for it!

A short word on Gratitude

“Thanks for the lesson, Miss” is a sentence that often rings sweet to my ears. It amazes me that teenagers manage to find and show gratitude within the institution that they readily file so many complaints against. It’s wonderful that even though my class has challenged them, not allowed them to be lazy, ‘forced’ them to think, and insisted on attention to details, some of them are actually grateful, and it’s not necessarily the top students!

One student, in particular, is definitely struggling this year. Struggling academically, personally, and socially and yet without fail, after every lesson, remarks, “Thanks for the lesson, Miss” and will often add, “I really learned a lot” , “That was really good”, “That was really interesting” or “I finally understand now”. It is so sweet and it touches my heart every time.

Even though they are expected to clean up, they are thankful!

The second year IB biology students are in such a stressful time right now and the pressure from my class is mounting as we collect data and prepare to submit their internal assessments to the IB.  Despite the intensity of our classes and the volumes of workload, these students depart from my classroom with a ripple of “thank-you” exclamations rippling back to me. It is a beautiful way to end my day.

Being grateful is not part of the IB Learner profile (IB learners strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled) so we’re probably not addressing it at school; at least I’m not!

Parents, find comfort in knowing that lessons you teach your children at home are, indeed, being received and acted upon! Today I’m feeling thankful for grateful students and the parents who have set examples of gratitude and who have taught their children to be grateful. Thank you, students and parents!

My home country has been celebrating “Thanksgiving”, this past weekend, a holiday focused on family, feasting, and feeling grateful. Let’s carry the spirit of gratitude with us throughout the year, searching daily for things to be grateful for. If teenagers can do it during school, a place that, in their minds, on occasion “oppresses and limits them”, then we certainly can thankful for something each day of our lives, right?

Breaking Teenage Barriers

How I got my teenage son to talk to me again.

“Well, what do you advise that I do at home?” a pleading father probed. It was parent teacher conferences and he wasn’t the only one asking for advice at home. But, I’m not the parent. And I’m not the expert. I’m just the teacher. However, it’s caused me to reflect.

It’s true I’ve had six children survive the teenage years in my home and number seven just turned 13. But I still don’t feel like I have all the answers. First of all, each child is absolutely unique and what works for one doesn’t work for others. I place a lot of stock in parental intuition, doing research, and thinking outside the box.  

At least, that’s what I’ve relied on as a parent.

With one of our sons it had become a stormy and turbulent yet simultaneously silent time. Despite family dinners little was exchanged and mostly bickering with siblings and parents ensued. If it wasn’t negative then it was a few grunts followed by a retreat to his room. Occasionally we would have a conversation over sports but it could easily erupt into an argument.

Desperation settled in as I tried to figure out a way to re-engage my son. I talked to other parents, researched, and meditated. Finally, an idea came. I had to meet him on his turf: in a video game.

But how to propose such an idea so that he’d buy into it?


The time came during a conversation with his sister about mother/daughter time and he was curious, clearly feeling “left out”. My proposal spouted forth,

“Do you want to play a video game with me?”

He couldn’t believe it. “Seriously?” After all, I was always insisting he shut down the video games.

“Yes, a game for two people”

He immediately knew what to do and sprung into action. Within 30 minutes I had purchased and downloaded the game “Portal” onto my computer.

The next night a new tradition was born.

For those of you who don’t know, in Portal you can engage in a two-player game in which the team solves a series of puzzles (loosely based in physics) together. It is impossible to proceed unless both players actively play a role in the solution. So, one player can’t do all the work while the other follows.


Furthermore, you take on a robot avatar for the entire game.

We’d play 30-60 minutes together every night or ever other night, depending on his schedule. My son was in his element explaining not only the game to me but also how to use my computer to manipulate my robot. He erupted into contagious laughter as my robot ran into walls and fell off cliffs. His robot would beckon me (literally its hand would be waving at my robot) and he would say, “Mom, come this way”. He guided me, he encouraged me, he taught me. Eventually I figured things out and we actually reached a point of problem solving together. “That’s a good idea, Mom. It might work” was music to my ears! We had so much fun together. Often, after the game we’d talk about life, his day, current events, or ideas. Our portal game became an essential part of our evening.

We solved the puzzle together and then continued on with different activities within the game. But what we really gained was a restored relationship.

I think back on different ways I connected with my children: a knitting class, bike rides, exchanging self-written poems and stories, dog walks, or playing soccer. With each child it was so different. And what worked for me didn’t necessarily work for my husband. For example, the knitter enjoyed Saturday matinees with Dad while the writer participated in local theater productions with Dad. Thus, in no way do I feel like I have the answers for others.

My advice? Dig deep down into your heart and ponder how to reach your child. An idea will come and then simply act on it. I had no idea how amazing the video game idea would be but I was willing to try.

It’s never too late! And it’s always worth it. Just reach out.

My family now.

Comments and Parent Teacher Conferences without grades

Recently progress reports were sent to parents. No grades. The purpose was to focus on what students have (or not) learned, provide evidence for the learning progress (or gaps) and identify the next steps for further growth.

Teachers invested a good amount of time in developing and writing their comments according to guidelines developed by our assessment committee. Everyone strived to ensure that the comments were individualized and informative in describing learning and suggestions for advancement. It was a piece of information that went beyond the data found in PowerSchool to which students and teachers have full access.

In fact, one progress report arrived at our home for our 13-year old son. For the first time I actually felt like a mailed report from school was communicating something worthwhile. The comments were informative, revealing strengths and suggestions for improvement that, if heeded,  will yield better learning practices for our developing student.

Shortly thereafter parents filed into my classroom one after the other for parent-teacher conferences. Most of them had the printed comments in front of them. All of our discussions centered on student progress and how to foster continued growth. Not once were grades mentioned. Not once. It was incredible. Parents handled a child’s poster, a piece of work completed exclusively in class. They perused formative assessments and other assignments that would never have appeared in a backpack or on a table at home. The work demonstrated how well students follow directions, pay attention to detail, and how much they invest in their work. My preparations included plans to veer discussions away from a focus on grades but this topic was not once broached. We had so many more important details to discuss in the precious ten minutes that we shared. The conversation was completely focused on each child’s learning progress and how he/she can become an even better student.

The value of comments-only reporting became even more apparent as discussions among teachers ensued following the conference evening. Others also experienced a similar experience of positive interactions focusing on student learning. Indeed, meaningful narrative is so much more productive than reviewing grades. 

Dead Last

Why play if the odds of winning are not in your favor?

It seems Facebook is flooded with endless posts of State Champions, 1st place this and 1st place that as we are very much a winner driven society.  It is so important to be first, to be at the top, and to be a “winner”.

However, not everyone can be the winner. Our little school is very often not the winner and often is fighting to not be last place. There are a number of reasons for this, mainly being that we are small in numbers. There are no try-outs and there are no cuts when assembling a sports team. It’s more of a recruitment event as each new sport’s season begins.

Our first year at the school we had two teenage sons with us. One of which was more the athlete while the other one was more the academic. So, the athlete son ends up convincing the academic son to try to join the boy’s varsity soccer team. Our academic son approaches the soccer coach and proclaims an interest in joining the team.  The coach begins to question him.

“So, have you played soccer before?”


“Do you know the rules of soccer?”


“Have you even been on a soccer field?”


“Do you know what a soccer ball looks like?”

“Um, I think so”

“We can use you”

And thus, our academic son joined the boys’ varsity soccer team, having never kicked a soccer ball in his life.

All of the sports’ teams end up recruiting students from below the average playing age. The U12 teams often need to recruit down to 5th and 4th grade. They are operating with anywhere from zero to three or four subs so everyone gets a lot of playing time, even the weakest of players. The combination of young team members, low team numbers, land lack of subs means that each team battles hard for every win and loss on the courts and playing fields.

Sometimes there seems to be more losses than wins. On the last day of the NECIS tournament this past weekend I was substitute coaching again for the U14 boys’ soccer team. During the third of four quarters it was clear there would be no win for us. So, a new tactic came into play. It was the last game of the season and I wanted to make sure each boy had a chance to play where he wished. A new goalie went it and those who desired to shuffle positions did. Everyone played as much as they wanted. The loss was heavy and they knew that the loss meant they were dead last in the tournament but they heartily congratulated the other team and came off of that field with huge smiles on their faces.

Instead of moping around with glum faces they clambered into the stadium seats in the gymnasium to cheer the U12 volleyball team. And, they were truly thrilled and happy for the girls who could enjoy a 2nd place victory.

So, none of the soccer parents will be proudly posting pictures but they should. Their children know how to not become overwhelmed by the goliath opponents they face but rather to focus on personal and team best.. They have learned to gallantly lose and rejoice in the victory of others. A love of the game of soccer exudes from them. As a team they’ve learned and grown together.  The discipline of practice, team commitment, and never giving up are engrained within them. They met all their team goals for the season. These students know, really know, that playing sports isn’t just about winning. They’ve learned that you can still be happy when things don’t go the way you wish. And that is why, when the odds are against you, you still go for it and you still play!

Cheers to all the teams who experienced losses this season! I hope everyone can recover from loss and gain from lessons learned as our U14 soccer players have.

More brains, more ideas and best practices.

“Do you think we could have a sheet with all the definitions explained?”

My internal demons attempted to take control of my thoughts “Oh but that’s so much more work for me!...and I haven’t needed it in years past!" But, she was right. This year’s class is, shall we say, very “neuro-diverse”! And, her suggestion was, in the end, simply a “best practice” that would benefit the entire class. So, heeding her advice and attempting to incorporate the ideas of a brainstorming session she, another colleague, and I had,  I spent an evening preparing some new resources for this lesson.

First came the vocabulary cards. Following the cards was a diagram with application of all the usages of the vocabulary words. Finally a “vocabulary in action” activity culminated the process. It flowed. Excitement welled within as I anticipated success with this new plan of action.

The students were grouped according to strengths then they were turned loose to work through each activity at their own pace, with the option to move ahead of their partner or to remain at an activity while the partner moved on. To my surprise several students chose to stay behind on an activity while the partner moved on and it was a relief to realize that students did not feel pressure by what their partners were doing. As the lesson progressed new partnerships were formed. There was intense silence interspersed with discussion. It was a new kind of energy. As students progressed they still referred back to work they had previously completed. It was thrilling to see how they deemed each resource useful in subsequent activities.

Because everyone was moving at different speeds, I was able to, at several points during the lesson, meet individually with each student and assess their progress. Immediate feedback followed by corrections followed by more feedback followed by additional correction on the “vocabulary in action” activity left every student with a mastered piece of work that will be a valuable resource as we continue with the content.

With ten minutes left of the class students were asked to put everything away and think about what they had learned. Names were randomly drawn from the deck of cards we created on the first day and students were required to say one thing they learned. No repeats were allowed and names were returned to the pile so no one could sit back and relax after being called on. Next, two names would be drawn. One person had to think of a question from the day’s work and the second student was expected to answer the question. Oh were they attentive and planning and thinking with each draw of a card. It was so fun!

I’m so glad the Learning Support teacher made the suggestion for her student. Of course the entire class benefitted and we will probably move forward more quickly as a result. Though this class has a lot of need, we’re fortunate to have two learning support representatives to assist. They have amazing ideas and are constantly reviewing my lessons, plans and assessments through a different lens. They are an incredible resource for me.

What was the result of heeding the advice of my colleague? A fully differentiated lesson interspersed with formative assessment. A great lesson closure. Most importantly, student engagement and student learning. And the benefit for me? Just plain FUN and being able to experience teaching at its best.

Two heads are always better than one! Look around. Who can you work with to become even more successful at what you do? Find people to bounce ideas off of and to collaborate with. Remember, a good practice can always get better. Don't be afraid of trying something new or adding a new idea. Collaboration and new ideas will yield increased achievement and happiness for all involved so just go for it!



Let Go of Control

It has been 2 months. We’ve spoken once. We’ve instant messaged three times. My daughter is completing volunteer work in South Africa out in the Bush working in conservation for part of a gap year post high school graduation. During our short exchanges she radiates increased confidence and a fierce sense of independence. I rejoice yet I also feel a sense of loss. It’s our goal, as parents, isn’t it? To help our children go out on their own and become productive, independent citizens of the world. However, it’s also heartbreaking to let go.

Walking the dog at night just isn’t the same without my daughter. The heart-to-heart talks and shared secrets are a thing of the past. And I’ll forever miss that. But, more importantly, my daughter is developing into an amazing human being with thoughts, opinions, and passions of her own. She doesn’t parrot me. She is her own person and that is wonderful to see.

Recently, on the playground at school a parent told me her daughter has been resisting the overseeing parental eye claiming, “Mom, I’ve got this. I’m doing it. I know what to do” and to the mother’s surprise, her daughter has been completing homework successfully. This Mother finds it difficult to “let go” though and truly allow her daughter the freedom both to succeed and fail on her own. This Mom still insists on reviewing that essay and forcing her daughter to make changes even though she realizes it’s time for her daughter to take responsibility of her assignments and accept consequences for her imperfect submissions.

Several students are sitting casually in my classroom during a break. We’re chatting about life and they ask me how my daughter is doing in South Africa. I share what I know. They are somewhat in awe and the majority expresses a desire to do something similar when they graduate. Except for one high school pupil whose shoulders droop and smile wanes, “Even if I wanted to do a gap year, my parents would never let me”.  I admit, I was a bit stunned. I wondered, “At what point will this student be permitted to make decisions independently? At what point will the path of choice as an adult be granted?”

That preparation for my children began long before high school graduation. We attempted to give them as much say as possible and within reason with regard to the direction their lives went. And yes, they made decisions sometimes that we weren’t exactly keen on, however, in the end; their lives have been their unique journey. They have developed into remarkable and interesting adults with their own tastes, views, and interests. None of them are products of our wishes or projections of our hopes. They have forged their own paths and have discovered talents and passions that have formed their careers and who they are as adults that could have only happened by them pursuing their dreams instead of ones we might have imposed on them.

As teachers we face the same need to “let go." The Fun Night my Going Green Group hosted a few weeks ago is a classic example. As I previously wrote, it was a night organized by students. And believe me, there were times I wanted to just take over! However, my colleagues and I restrained ourselves. We gave the guidance and let the students choose whether to follow our lead or to do it “their way”. Fortunately, despite the imperfections of the evening, those who attended had a fun time and the night was successful. When our student organizers were asked to reflect on the evening and how to make it better they all commented, “We should have been more prepared” and then they outlined how they would do it differently next time. And there will be a next time! – in April. So we’ll see if they did, indeed, learn. In listening to them reflect and outline the changes they’d make, I realized how important it was to let them get to this point on their own. It was so much more productive than had we become more controlling and insistent at the front end in our desperation to make the night a “perfect event”.  Yes, “letting go” was, indeed, the correct choice.

In the classroom as well, “letting go” has its place. In letting go of rigid expectations with regard to homework, more learning might take place. Recently, in one of my high school classes, I decided to give the students more freedom in how they manage outside preparations for class. Instead of homework assignments I gave suggestions for managing reading and studying from their text following class activities on the topic. Their “homework” was not graded nor would it be the same assignment for everyone, as they would each select their own method and their own focus of study. I decided to give a “reading quiz” that wouldn’t count towards their grade (as it was a surprise) but would help them assess how well they processed information from the text and give me an idea of how well they were learning the material. I made the quiz quite tricky; with the intent to expose any oversights and weaknesses in their approach. To my surprise, they all exceeded my expectations! They each then shared with the group their study techniques and then spontaneously reflected and assessed their own approach. Each one indicated how they could do it even better, without any prompting from me. They were taking ownership for their learning.

Today I challenge us all to discover areas in our lives where we can or maybe should “let go.” I think we will find that the children we are worried about will thrive.




Becoming an Eco-School

Two men in suits stand engrossed in conversation.  They immediately turn to me and, switching from Dutch to English, offer welcoming handshakes as I cross the threshold of the room. The meeting is scheduled to begin in fifteen minutes and the table is prepared with coffee and tea and seats for ten people. My greeters are the host of this event and the country-head of Eco-Schools.

The others trickle in and we gather cozily around the table that fills the small room. Seven people represent three schools that are already accredited with Eco-Schools, and are proud displayers of the Eco-Schools Green Flag. Another woman, like me, is from a school that is in the initial phase of accreditation. She and I are here to gain as much information as possible about the accreditation process as well as ideas for a successful Green Program at our schools.

My jaw nearly drops to the table when a parent representative describes their six eco-groups in the secondary school, totalling 70 students. The elementary school boasts another 130 participants in grades 2-5. Others around the table are impressed and the representatives kindly remind us that they’ve been doing this for six years. Furthermore, their student numbers are about five times ours. They share amazing ideas and projects that are taking place at their school.

What is the secret? “Green is fun…” the parent explains, “It’s cool. It’s popular.”

It was a bit daunting to see the work the other schools had completed, but it was also inspiring. As they questioned me about the work our small green team has completed, they were very complimentary, and even impressed, reminding me that it isn’t about he numbers, it’s about the mindset and the process.

Our little group started out with four student-members and two teachers last year. Now we claim twelve active student-participants, a strong parent contributor, and five teacher supporters. Our projects include but are not limited to

  • A garbage audit that resulted in several proposals to reduce waste at the school which we are in the process of implementing. Mug racks for the teacher’s lounge have been completed and will be installed soon in order to reduce plastic cup waste at the school. Money has been raised to purchase water bottles for all students and eliminate plastic bottles and disposable drink containers. Our goal this year is to add plastic recycling, in addition to the paper recycling, bins in all the rooms at the school.
  • A goal to separate all the cafeteria waste so that the food can be hauled off separately for recycling in addition to all paper and plastic. This should drastically reduces our trash waste.
  • Lights Off Fridays and Warm Sweater Days increase awareness and also lower the school’s energy usage.

The students are ambitious and have a huge list of things they’d like to accomplish. From the eco-schools meeting I obtained a host of additional ideas for our group to consider. This Friday we will meet to decide exactly what we want to focus on for our short and long range goals this year and into the future.

Of a few things I am certain. One is that our initiative is important. We have an obligation to our Earth and future generations to protect the world we live in. There are people associated with our school (parents and/or other community members) that will be interested in joining our group and providing more ideas and manpower to help us progress forward, we just need to find them.

Our school will benefit from becoming an environmentally sustainable school. The benefits are likely to extend into areas of community image, appeal to knew families, energy savings, school unity, and general feeling at the school.

Being surrounded by teachers who share a passion for sustainability bolstered me up and strengthened me in the pursuit of building the Green Program at our school. Their programs have gained momentum and support over time, also having begun with the simple garbage audit a few years ago, like we did last year. I think our program is on the same path of growth.

We will collaborate together as regional eco-schools to have our students meet each other and join forces in sustainable efforts. I look forward to this association and to the support it will provide our program. After all, there is strength in numbers, right?

If you’re interested in more sustainable life, go for it! If you’re interested in helping your school or organization become more sustainable, go for it!  It’s worth it, of that I am certain.

Green Fun Night

A group of students has monopolized the bench space and availability of my classroom in order to perfect the art of making recycled paper. The last few weeks have brought recycled goods to my classroom that are stacked on the windowsill and lab benches. Craft samples of refurbished glassware into vases, candleholders, and bracelets are scattered throughout the room. Bins of soaking bottles pepper the lab benches. Excited students stop in throughout the day to check on their projects. The room is teeming with preparation!

This is event is different from others organized at the school. Our Going Green Team that is a student driven organization sponsors it. Unlike our school science fair, this event is organized by and will be conducted by the students.

At some point the students realize a need to advertise the event more effectively as our school newsletter doesn’t seem to be reaching families. They agree to visit all the elementary classes announcing the Green Fun Night in an enthusiastic and inviting manner. Furthermore, 6th graders see the recycled paper project in action when they come to science class and all exclaim, “Oh, I’m definitely going”. But not one single person has responded to the R.S.V.P.

Then there are the student presentations. We’ve asked to see the Power Point and hear what they want to say but several deadlines have come and gone and there’s still nothing. When do the students actually put the presentations together? Well, one person has it done the day before but the other two groups are working on their presentation an hour before the event begins!

The entire two days before the “Green Fun Night” is spent in preparation. By the time Tuesday night arrives, my room is in complete chaos. I seriously wonder if it will every be returned to normal again. But boy are the students excited. They beam with confidence and are eager to teach their “trade” to the school community.

Our Green Team students are juggling drama, sports, debate club, IB schedules as well as this Green Fun Night. They also have never organized an event to this scale before and don’t really know what it entails. They are doing the best they know and they seek to follow our guidance to the best of their ability. Finally we gather in the cafeteria, an hour before the event is to begin. We are basically ready. The students devour the pizza we ordered. The presenters quickly practice and make some modest changes. And then everyone positions themselves for the night.

As the students begin their presentations on the South Africa trip; the accomplishments of the Green Team last year; and the progress and plans of the Green Team for this year disappointment battles for a place in my heart. There are only a handful of people in attendance. Will it indeed, be a night with no participants? However, by the time the festivities begin, there is a crowd. After the presentations the students quickly assemble themselves at their “booths”:

  • Making recycled paper from scrap paper
  • Bowling with recycled bottles
  • Origami from scrap paper
  • Decorating recycled glass bottles with paint, string, and/or feathers and sparkles.
  • Trivia Game on green activities at the school (answer the questions for a free popcorn)
  • Organic Smoothies
  • Fundraising

A parent approaches me and tells me that her daughter awoke that morning and exclaimed, ‘Today is going to be a good day because there’s a party tonight at school!” This parent admitted having not planned on attending but due to her daughter’s enthusiasm changed her mind. She followed up with “What did you do to advertize?” Then I realize that the students’ efforts in the elementary school did indeed have an effect.

In the end, despite some glitches, the evening turned out to be a big success. Students and parents were engaged. All had fun. Awareness was raised.

One of the goals in becoming an eco-school is to educate the community and raise awareness and we certainly accomplished that at our Fun Night. We also made a start to our fundraising goals, in that we made a small profit despite a huge receipt for the ingredients for the organic smoothies. Going green should be fun. It should be cool. And hopefully we’ve begun to spread that word to our school community.

Helping out colleagues and taking risks

There he sat, smiling graciously at me and pleading with me. “You’ll really help us out”. He wasn’t pushy but he clearly wanted an affirmative response. He coaches my son’s U14 soccer team. He’s a really nice guy. So, how could I refuse him?

Oh, it was the last thing I wanted to do and it was way outside my comfort zone.

Thus I found myself standing in the rain on a cold and dreary Dutch day in Amsterdam on the sidelines of a soccer game.

“Coach,” someone calls out, “here is the key to the changing rooms.” Of course I want to laugh out loud and announce to all present, “I’m not a real coach. I’m a substitute and I have no idea what I’m doing!” I resist the urge and follow the instructions to take my team to prepare for the game.

I inform the hosting coach from Amsterdam that I am a substitute coach and that we are without substitutes (our three strongest players are not here today) , not sure why I felt the urge to do that. However, he scans our scrappy little group and for whatever reason, offers us two of his players as substitutes for our first game. We are very grateful for this generous gesture.

Before I feel ready,  our boys are out on the field in a vigorous match against Luxembourg. The opposing team is hammering us. Thank goodness our boys have the option to request substitution to take a break when they are exhausted. One of the boy’s father is knowledgeable of soccer and gives me some pointers that are very helpful. The boys respond to my “coaching” and try to follow the instructions.  However, as the score ratchets up in favor of our opponents I’m feeling more and more like I have a big neon label announcing “new, clueless coach." Despite playing better, our team remains unable to score a second goal. Before I can dive too deeply into my shame, the torture is over and the players are running out onto the field to shake hands and exclaim, “good game." I watch for a moment, relishing the fact that the game is over, before realizing the coaches are supposed to bring up the rear of the congratulatory line. Hurriedly I join them on the field. It’s over. Just one more game to go.

The hosting school is our next opponent and, of course, the coach wants his players back but he offers us another one who wasn’t scheduled to play that day but has showed up and wants to play. So, we have one substitute and that is a huge help, especially since he is a real asset to the team and clicks with our players. The boys start to play better, the goalie is on fire, and I’m feeling more comfortable in my role. We find ourselves leading 3:0. During quarter breaks my confidence manifests itself in my approach with the team. In the end, we triumph with a 6:4 win over Amsterdam. Our boys are exuberant; after all it’s their first win of the season. I realize, that I have had fun myself. I realize, in a crunch, I’d be happy to help out again.

So, the advice my students receive from me is true, in exiting one’s comfort zone (or in IB terminology, in being a risk taker) we enlarge our circles of experience and become more rounded as human beings. Experiencing a soccer game from a coach’s perspective has been invigorating. Seeing my students in a new situation has been enlightening. And I’ve discovered something new that I enjoy.

Therefore, if someone asks you to help out but you’re unsure because you feel inadequate or unqualified, just go for it. It will probably turn out OK, you’ll learn and grow, and you might discover a new pleasure in life.

Do it Again

And again. And again. And again.

This is the third time the diagram of a local food chain and food web has been submitted to me. Each time comments have directed the necessary corrections. Each time the corrections are minimal, not carrying the changes out through the entire document. This time it’s tempting to say “Oh well. Good enough”. However, this task fulfills an IB assessment statement and might appear on the IB paper when this student sits the final exam. It’s almost painstaking to emphasize my previous comments and point out that the changes aren’t sufficient. The work needs to be deeper, more thorough, and more precise.

This time I opt to have an interview with the student. Understanding claims to be present, however, we’ll see what the results are next week.

In another class,“Show your work.” On the redo the work is only partially there. And the answer is still incorrect. Resubmission. “Show your units.” She adds her units but she still doesn’t see her error until it’s pointed out that she’s dividing cm by mm. “Oh”. Finally, on the fourth try she gets it. Proudly smiling she passes her work to me, “Now I get it!”

You know, it would be easier to just “let it go”.  In a way, it could be argued that my part’s done.  Differentiated learning has been provided. Formative assessment has directed the lessons, the plans, and discussions. Feedback has been given all along the way. The students have been exposed to diverse learning opportunities. They truly have everything they need in order to know what they need to know and have been given every opportunity to learn it. So, I could justify giving them the test and just moving on. However, that’s not the point, is it?  The point is to aid every student in achieving the standards. Some remain unready so they’ll need to do it again. Others may move ahead with deeper, enriching activities that must be planned and coordinated to fit into the unit in a timely manner.

Again, it would be so much easier to just test everyone and move on.  Getting things right takes effort.  Getting students to get things right also takes effort.  A lot of effort. For everyone. My favorite question (not really) is, “What if I just take the grade as it is?” Some students are actually willing to just take a lower grade rather than put forth the effort to master the material.  Their faces always drop when I reply, “That’s not an option.  Currently this assignment is incomplete and not in a state acceptable for assessment”. They grudgingly plow forward.

However, the beaming response when a student hands in, after several modifications, an assignment he can be proud of, we both feel a sense of accomplishment. Our congruent thoughts to “just give up” vanish.  And, I realize, it is worth it. 

The message I hope students receive is that they are capable and that with perseverance they can accomplish things they didn't beforehand think possible. If we as teachers and parents keep working with them, they will grow and develop and learn. They will reach heights even we didn't realize achievable. So, keep at it. Make them do it right, even when you're exhausted. It is worth it.

A thought on practicing what you teach

Here are some stereotypes for you. English teachers pride themselves in grammatically correct emails, texts, and tweets. Educators of math are exact and methodical. Teachers in the arts are creative, interesting, and dynamic.  PE instructors and coaches are athletic and encouraging. History teachers extrapolate advice from past events applicable to current day experiences. You can mention any country in the world and the social studies or geography teacher can tell you where it is. And, science teachers are analytical, employing the use of the scientific method in everything they do.

Not only am I a science teacher, but my focus is biology and that affixes further considerations to my life. The Green Initiative at the school is really important to me. My family eats mostly organic. We recycle. Our car spends 95% of the time parked in front of our house and we’re in the process of getting rid of it, as we tend to opt for our bikes or public transportation. Two weeks of my summers are dedicated to taking students on conservation based ecology research expeditions, mostly because I want to “spread the word” and I feel greatest change will come from the younger generation. When traveling, I consider the impact of our journey.  Basically, the things I teach pervade our lives.

So, my effort to live what I teach has just been taken to the next level. Our high school students have been challenged to participate in the Project Green Challenge.  For whatever reason, it seemed realistic to me to support the effort by joining the challenge. Eagerly I entered my information and signed up.  Well, the first challenge came through today in the form of an email.  I decided to do both the “Green” and “Greener” challenges.  It took me probably an hour (though the “Green” realistically only took about 15 minutes). Now worry fills me to think I might have committed to an hour each night for an entire month. That’s a lot of time!

Surprizingly, I learned a great deal from my endeavor. Do you know what the “Euro-Leaf” is and means? Were you aware that there is organic nail polish remover? My little projects veritably increased my awareness of organic products and instilled a greater desire to purchase organic especially in the areas of hygiene and cleaning supplies. So, it was worth it, tonight at least. It will be interesting to see where this month leads me. Will I regret my attempt to practice what I teach?  I hope not!

Anyone else care to join?  You can do anything for a month, right? Sign up here.

IB Week: An alternative to Trip Week

Last spring, after a year of incubation, an idea was hatched: Specifically set aside days for IB students to have focused time on IB related mindset, skills, and activities. Our IB and CAS coordinators have persevered in making the idea a reality that came to fruition a week ago during our scheduled secondary school trip week.

Grade 6-10 students gathered with suitcases, daypacks, snacks, and much eagerness and departed on their anticipated trips to different locations in western Europe. The building quickly emptied out leaving the hallways of the secondary school empty and quiet.  However, staggering in for normal school hours were the Year 11 and Year 12 students.  Though they arrived for “school”, normal activities weren’t exactly what faced them.

Sounds of hammering, the aroma of soil, the discussions of learner profiles, coaching on life after high school, chopping knives, and Internal Assessment workshops emanated from the classrooms. Furthermore there were seniors working independently on extended essays and internal assessments, consulting with teachers, and participating in CAS activities.  There was vibrancy, productivity, and energy.

The internal assessment (IA) workshops centered on math, history and science, giving students a cohesive, focused overview of the IA process, expectations, and criteria. The post-high school work shop helped students to think about where they should be in the university application process and the considerations they should be pondering about what they want to do after graduation.

My duties included mentoring students participating in CAS activities that supported the Going Green Initiative at the school.  Specifically, students built mug racks, made a green wall pallet, and volunteered at an organic farm.

Students lined themselves up according to self-designated responsibilities.  Their heads bent with intensity and focused on their individual task.   They measured, cut, hammered, stapled, drilled and screwed.  Gradually the windowsill filled with beautiful mug racks for the staff room.  Their project will aid in reducing plastic waste in the teacher lounge.

Another group has prepared a recycled pallet (retrieved from the rubbish bin) with landscaping material to transform it into a green wall.  Giggling erupts as they press their hands into the dark aromatic soil and disperse it throughout the pallet.  They plan their planting and carefully set the selected flowers.  Slowly they raise their garden and are pleased that it holds and clearly adds beauty to the roof.

Our Going Green members were bussed to an organic farm to harvest carrots, weed tomatoes, clean hydroponic gear, sort chickens, and plant young lettuce seedlings.  Physical labor yielded exhausted but satisfied participants. As one student remarked, “It feels really good to help out a worthy business that relies so heavily on volunteers.  We did a good service here today”

Another projects conducted that week included a high tea with the elderly and a trip to the soup kitchen. 

A set of students met with a chef who guided them through the process of baking cupcakes, biscuits, and cookies.  They mastered skills of yolk separation, sifting flour, and allocating the right amount of dough for the perfectly sized cupcake. Theirs was definitely the tastiest of our week’s projects.  With completed delicacies they departed for a nearby Alzheimer’s center and shared a high tea with some of the residents there.

Students gathered late one afternoon to chop the vegetables and then assembled themselves early the next morning to cook the soup.  Through the steam they stirred and flavored their soup, patiently awaiting its readiness.  With carefully wrapped pots they departed for the Soup Kitchen.

All of these activities were balanced with a self defence class that taught some good skills and brought on laughter and a great release of energy.

Following their workshops and service projects, the students participated in a 2-day trip to Ypres, Belgium where they completed a guided bike tour through battlefields, cemeteries and monuments of the area.  They visited the Flanders Field Museum.  Together, these activities provided the students with physical exercise and greater historical insight not necessarily obtained through curriculum delivered in the classroom.

In all, our IB week was successful and definitely helped our students become more focused and mature as IB students. It clearly sent the message “This is serious. You are an IB student.”  It seems to have set the tone for the 11th and 12th graders this year and put them on a path of having greater understanding of the program, being better equipped to meet deadlines and being prepared to be successful IB students. I highly recommend an IB week for all IB students.

A Teenager's Identity

The end of an IMYC unit is marked with an “Exit Point”. It is opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have incorporated regarding the big idea that has underpinned the content in all of their classes for the past 8 weeks. The students are given the task of sharing their thoughts, in this case, in the form of a PowerPoint, Prezi or Keynote presentation. It is one of the few times that there is no rubric and there are no guidelines, only the instruction to share whatever is important with respect to the big idea.

So there we sit, awaiting the philosophical input of our 8th graders. One by one they stand. Their theme?

Our sense of self and that of others is continually developing through our different interactions and impacts on how we exist in the world.

 Did they make the connection? Do they realize the dynamic nature of their own identity? Do they understand that their identity will change over the years? In fact, one of them outright makes the claim, “Our identity changes. What we were like when we were 9 is different from what we are now”.

There are moments of goofiness, awkwardness, trepidation, and shyness. There’s even fear. They each address the big idea and their definition of it. But then one by one they attempt to communicate what their own identity is. Their diverse backgrounds are astounding: Hungary, Austria, South Africa, France, the UK, Holland, India, adopted from China to the U.S.A., U.S.A., Iceland, Ukraine. They are all 3rd culture kids. They each allude to this part of their self. Yet then they drive deeper. Musings of culture, sports, likes/dislikes, family, religion, and values are shared. One boy pauses before exclaiming at the end, “And this is who I am”. He has put himself out there. And it is touching.

In the end, each student has reflected on, identified, and communicated the essence of self. And that has value. It’s empowering, especially to young teenagers, to know who you are.


Image: Culture: Cultural Identity? Personality? Language? Reality?. (n.d.). ChineseBreeze Unorthodox Language Learning Blog. Retrieved September 26, 2014, from

Periodic Failure leads to Success

Adopt an Element.  That's the title of the project. 

Students can hardly wait to select their element.  Computer screens are popping up with images of obscure elements. Excited exclamations filter throughout the classroom.  There is a buzz of activity.

My colleague and I have decided to split the entire periodic table between the total of 8th grade, that’s 90+ students.  Each student is researching and reporting on a unique element.  As we were planning how to display the student work, we have an absolute stroke of genius, “Let’s make a wall display of the periodic table!”  We nearly burst with excitement over how amazing this project and subsequent display will be.  In fact, we were nearly intoxicated with anticipation of its impending greatness.

We plan the size, orientation, and position of the posters. We measure.  We cut. We place the background. The posters have been submitted, students presented, and rubrics consulted.  It is Friday afternoon.  Our anticipation of the display is so rousing that we can not wait any longer to build that periodic table.  Friday afternoon turns into Friday evening.

It’s hot.  We’re sweating.  We continue on with hope and eagerness.  I stop to wipe my brow and assess the gradually forming periodic table. Despair descends upon me, “This sucks,” I think.  It looks juvenile.  It looks terrible.  “Is it even worth continuing?“ I wonder. My colleague, also pauses. She deflates before me and quietly comments,  “Somehow I imagined this to look a lot better than it is”.

My despair gives way to the laughter that erupts from deep within me. Before we know it, we are on the floor in hysterics. Through tears of delirium we complete our display.

Uneasiness settles in at the thought of the rest of the school viewing our pathetic display on Monday but it’s done and there’s no turning back.

My colleague and I having accepted and overcome  the disappointment of our display.

 I slink into my classroom first thing on Monday, before anyone has arrived.  Within a few minutes one of our other science colleagues bursts into the room, “It looks great!” she genuinely expresses. The students are thrilled.  The principal adulates the project as the perfect example of student work and collaboration. In the end, it’s not nearly as bad as we had perceived it on Friday night.

Adopt an Element.  Despite our moment of despair, it was indeed a huge success. My message today? When working with students focus on their learning and their achievements, and it will all be OK.

Reducing the stress of last minute preparations

Don’t you hate that feeling when you have a deadline and something goes wrong at the last minute, threatening your ability to meet the deadline? It’s a universal experience, isn’t it, to at least once in one’s lifetime, be in a position of frantically preparing for an event last minute?

A teacher has multiple deadlines each day: every time a class is supposed to begin.  Those deadlines involve having copies ready, resources prepared, labs set up, digital resources accessible for students, a lesson plan worked out with formative assessments built in, project supplies on hand, or summative assessments printed out. Oh, and of course, we need to be there smiling and ready to greet the students when they walk through the door. Other deadlines include meetings (agendas prepared ahead of time) and student clubs (agendas or resources prepared). Often teachers are scrambling to have everything ready for each class in a timely manner.  Frequently there are exclamation such as “The printer isn’t working and I need 10 copies now!” or “Oh no, I forgot I was going to give a quiz this morning first block and I need to get that ready” or “I can’t get the supplies gathered in time!”

Personally, it is my goal to eliminate the last minute panic.  Not to say it never penetrates my day, however, there are some built in practices that minimize my experiencing this kind of daily stress.

  • Awareness and Planning: Each afternoon it’s worth my time, no matter how late, to spend a few minutes looking ahead at the next two days.  Sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour. When other obligations summon me, then this practice takes place later in the evening at home. Thus, when advanced preparation for a lesson is required it can be built in to the following days.
  • Reviewing and Recording Formative Assessment: Of course reviewing formative assessment provides a clear picture of where my next lesson(s) will begin and how it will proceed.
  • Reflecting on the day’s lessons and updating my web site: This enables me to fully process the progress each class made on a given day and provides additional clarity of where I will begin and proceed with the next lesson. The web site also keeps students fully abreast of the on goings of the class, providing more student awareness and mental organization on their part for subsequent lessons.
  • Staying late or arriving early to prep for a lesson: This is especially crucial for a science teacher due to experimental set-up and hands-on activities that simply require advanced preparation to run smoothly. It does mean facing empty hallways at the school when all your colleagues have cleared the building. For example, my 8th grade class recently completed an involved chemistry lab. To ensure smooth running of the lab, solutions were prepared the night before and all the individual lab stations were prepared at 7:30 am, an hour before students arrived in my classroom. Yes, it requires carefully reading the lab and making sure each lab team has the proper number of test tubes, stirrers, spatulas, beakers, and other supplies.  It takes time.  It takes patience. 
  • Taking some time evening and weekends: It’s not necessary to spend hours and hours during “off “ times (this mistake I’ve made before but no longer!), however some time to do additional research on topics, revise a project, rethink an activity, streamline a lesson, or add additional formative assessment reap huge organizational and stress relieving rewards as lessons will run smoother.

This is not to say I have mastered these techniques. There are times when it just can’t be faced and then I’m left with the last minute preparation and associated stress. However, overall, generally speaking, these practices are incorporated into my routine.  The results definitely include a smoothly running classroom, no classroom management issues, higher student engagement (as there is no downtime while I’m trying to figure things out whether it’s a technical issue or finding supplies for a lab), more student awareness (I know what’s going on so it’s easier to communicate it to them), peace of mind, and a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom even during intense and demanding activities.

Letting Go: Allowing Students to be Independent

The illusive photosynthesis experiment.  This student has a good start but has a lot to figure out. 

“I want to do something with plants”

My heart sinks.

“How about the effect of acid on plant growth?”


“How does light intensity affect photosynthesis?”

Heavy Sigh.

What do these ideas for internal assessment ideas mean to me?  Often, failed experiments.

For whatever reason, students think setting up a plant experiment will be easy. They never factor in the time it takes to determine the best conditions to grow their plant or sprout the seeds. It often results in a neglected, unwatered project of withered specimens.

It's always a temptation to check: maybe this one will work. 

And I know this.  So why don’t I just say, “no plants”?  That approach would be notably simpler and it would spare me the pain of watching those pathetic seedlings atrophy and die at the back of my classroom.  However, it is my firm belief that students, especially 16-18 year old IB students should have their own choice. The choice fosters ownership in their work. And if they really want to do it, then they deserve a chance to try, right? So, after bequeathing warnings about how difficult plant experiments really are and that statistically there have been few true successes come from them, I allow my students to proceed. For some reason, they always think their situation will be different.

Though I noticed the deteriorated state days ago, a student came to me today and showed me his shrivelled seedlings as though they’d “just perished”.  He was running a pretrial to determine whether he would best conduct his experiment in cotton or soil and approached me with the observation, “ I think soil worked better than the cotton”.  He looked down at me with his big brown childish eyes hoping for confirmation and I’m thinking, “Seriously?  They’re ALL DEAD!”  but I just smile and ask him how many of the 5 seeds in each cup actually sprouted to which he responds, “One”.  “So what does that tell you?” Silence.  Thinking.  Wheels turning.   “That I need to plant ten in each cup?”

Exasperation is threatening to settle in but I patiently continue, “Well, that might be a choice you make, however, what is the actual observation?”  More silence.  Thinking.  Wheels turning. “Um, that not all the seeds sprouted?”  He receives the advice to consider these observations as he proceeds.  Of course I know he’s baffled in attempting to incorporate this information into subsequent planning.  He returns the blighted seedlings to the fluorescent lamps though I’m not sure why.  They should be tossed in the rubbish bin.

Then there's the photosynthesis experiment that's been sitting in my lab area for five days.  It's obvious to me that the set-up isn't optimized, however, the student keeps returning hoping to see a measurable amount of oxygen.  At what point will she realize that no more oxygen will appear in the tube?  Tomorrow I will tell her it's time to reconsider her design.

So, in the end, the students who were counting on an easy experiment with their plant idea often give up after the first attempted failure.  Others persist repeating over and over again until they get it to work.  They always spend so much more time than the students who design an experiment in which data can be collected within a day.

Regardless of the design choice, it’s the most difficult thing to resist telling them what to do. The path of “no choice” is decidedly more manageable!  But that would deny my students the purpose of this journey. 

Students work their way through the scientific process. They deal with frustration, glitches, and failed attempts but in the end, they all end up with two reasonably controlled experiments that they have designed and carried out. And they are always proud of their work.

To all of us out there struggling to let go of the control, just do it!  The students will be rewarded with a worthwhile journey that leaves them feeling accomplished and you will be profoundly happy for them.